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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions 


Terms and conditions

Introduction This document (together with any documents referred to in it) tells you the terms and conditions (the 'Conditions') upon which we will sell the Goods to you. You may print a copy for future reference. Business Day: a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday when banks in London are open for business. 'Event Outside Our Control' has the meaning given in clause. 'Goods' means the goods listed on our website ('Cleo's Tack Shack') which we may supply. Before confirming your order please read through these Conditions and in particular our cancellations and returns policy at clause 11 and limitation of our liability and your indemnity at clause 13. By ordering any of the Goods, you agree to be legally bound by these Conditions.

About us This Website is owned and operated by Cleo's Tack Shack ('we'/'us'/'our'), a V.AT Registered (359847242 vat number) company (trading as Cleo's Tack Shack), registered in England and Wales. 


.Eligibility to purchase from the Website To be eligible to purchase the Goods and lawfully enter into and form a contract with us, you must be 18 years of age or over.

Price The prices of the Goods are quoted on the order page. .Prices and any other charges quoted on the order page are based on delivery of the Goods in the United Kingdom unless otherwise specified. Prices quoted do not include the costs of delivery of the Goods. The costs of delivery of the Goods will be shown separately on the order page and added to the amount payable by you. .Unless otherwise stated, the prices quoted include VAT.

Price Matching

Price matching is available on all products that we sell, providing that they meet these conditions: The competitors pricing must be for the same item, in the same colour and size that you are requesting the price match for. In addition, for a price match to be approved, the competitors pricing must be publicly available to all customers and located on their website. This means that we do not price match on prices given in reward-style promotions or membership pricing which also includes ‘abandoned checkout incentives’.

Whilst assessing the price match request, our team will assess whether it is a true like for like product, including looking at stock availability as well as additional charges such as delivery costs. The item must be in stock with the competitor at the time of the request and any additional fees that are being charged may be excluded from the price match. This means that we have the right price match to the total that you would pay using the competitors’ site (item + shipping) if you qualify for free shipping using our website.

Each price match request is reviewed case by case and we reserve the right to refuse to match prices where it would be uneconomical for us to do so .Payment .Payment can be made by any major credit or debit card or by using a PayPal account. .By placing an order, you consent to payment being charged to your debit/credit card account or PayPal account as provided on the order form .If you pay us by credit or debit card or PayPal account we will take payment from your card or PayPal account for the Goods when we dispatch the Goods to you.  If for some reason your payment fails or is reversed after your goods have been shipped, you will still be liable for the outstanding balance unless the goods are returned in original condition.  We shall contact you should any problems occur with the authorisation of your card or payment through your PayPal account.


Order process and formation of a contract Our Website, catalogue and brochure merely illustrate our Goods and the packaging of the Goods. Your computer may not accurately display the colours of the Goods. Although we aim to accurately depict our Goods and their packaging, there may be differences between the packaging and the colours of the Goods delivered to you and those shown on our Website and in our catalogue and brochure .All orders are subject to acceptance and availability. If we are unable to supply you with the Goods in your order due to matters such as unavailability of stock, materials, key staff or an Event Outside our Control or because we have identified a mistake in the description of the Goods or the price stated by us, we will notify you. We will not proceed with the order and will refund any sums you have paid us. If the Goods are temporarily unavailable, we will notify you by email of the date they are expected to be available. You will have the option either to wait until they are available or to cancel your order. If you cancel your order, we will refund any sums you have paid us. .Any order placed by you for the Goods constitutes an offer to purchase them from us. You agree that if we contact you to acknowledge receipt of your order such communication shall not amount to our acceptance of your offer to purchase the Goods. A 'Confirmation Notice' means an email which we send to you to confirm that we have dispatched the Goods. A Confirmation Notice will be our acceptance of the offer made in the order to which that Confirmation Notice relates. A contract between you and us for the supply of the Goods (the 'Contract') incorporating the version of these Conditions in force at the time of your order will come into existence when we send you the Confirmation Notice relating to your order. You may print and keep a copy of the Confirmation Notice for future reference. If you think that there is a mistake in the Confirmation Notice or if you wish to make any changes, please contact us to discuss this. If you request a change, we will tell you if that is possible and about any changes to the price, delivery or performance dates or any other changes that we need to make as a result of your request. We will ask you if you wish to go ahead with the change. We may make. minor technical adjustments to the Goods to improve them or to comply with relevant laws and regulatory requirements, changes to these Conditions as a result of changes in any relevant laws and regulatory requirements, changes to these Conditions as a result of changes in how we accept payment from you, changes in the amount payable by you to the extent of any changes in the VAT included in the price or payable in relation to the price. If we make any changes in accordance with clause 8.9 we will give you written notice of the changes before we supply the Goods. You can choose to cancel the contract if the change would be significantly to your disadvantage. 8.11.Any variation to these Conditions which have been incorporated into the Contract or to the Contract other than those mentioned in clause 8.9 shall only be binding when agreed in writing and signed by you and us.

9.Delivery 9.1.The Goods will be delivered to you at the address you provided during the order process which may be an address other than the billing address .Any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are approximate only. If no date is specified then it will take place as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event within 30 days of the date of the Confirmation Notice, unless there is an Event Outside our Control, in which case clause 15 shall apply. If you have agreed to collect the Goods from our premises .You must collect the Goods during our working hours of 9am to 4pm on or within 3 Business Days of the date we notify you that the Goods are ready for collection delivery shall occur at our premises when we hand the Goods to you. 9.4.Unless clause applies, if we have agreed to deliver the Goods to a delivery address which you have given us, delivery shall occur when we place the Goods in the physical possession of you or anyone you have identified to us as the person authorised by you to take delivery of the Goods. If you have asked us to use an independent carrier other than our normal carrier to deliver the Goods to you, delivery shall occur when we deliver the Goods to that carrier. You must examine the Goods within a reasonable time after arrival and let us know as soon as reasonably possible if they are faulty, damaged or not as described. 9.7.If no one is present at your delivery address to take delivery, we will advise you of our attempted delivery. You must then contact us to make arrangements for us to deliver the Goods. We may end the contract with you and charge you for any extra storage costs we have incurred if you have arranged to collect the Goods but do not do so within 14 Business Days of the date we notify you that they are ready for collection, or we have agreed to deliver the Goods, you have not been available to take delivery on the date we agreed to deliver them, and we have not been able to re-arrange delivery within 14 Business Days of the original delivery date. 9.9.For Christmas deliveries, we recommend that you check the Website for the last order date. We will endeavour to dispatch all Goods that are in stock within 24 hours. However, we cannot guarantee delivery by 24th December.

Risk and title The Goods will be at your risk from the time of delivery. Ownership of the Goods will only pass to you when we receive full payment of all sums due in respect of them including VAT and the cost of delivery.

Cancelling your Contract and returns

Cancelling before Confirmation Notice 11.1.1.You may cancel your order for the Goods by notifying us of your decision to cancel at any time prior to us sending you a Confirmation Notice. 11.1.2.You may notify us of your decision to cancel by contacting us by telephone on telephone number 07368918757or by sending us by email to or by post to Cleo's Tack Shack, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 8DH fully completed cancellation form found on our Website, or a statement that you wish to cancel quoting your name, address, the name or a description of the Goods and your order reference number.

Cancellation after Confirmation Notice. The 'Cancellation Period' means the period between the date we send you a Confirmation Notice and the expiry of 30 calendar days after the day you receive the Goods. Subject to clause you may cancel the Contract at any time during the Cancellation Period by notifying us of your decision to cancel. You may notify us of your decision to cancel by contacting us by telephone on telephone number 07368918757 or by sending us by email or by post to Cleo's Tack Shack, 4 Southmead crescent, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 8DH fully completed cancellation form found on the Website, or a statement that you wish to cancel with your name, address, the name or a description of the Goods and your order reference number.

11.3.Return of Goods. Upon receiving notice of your cancellation, we will contact you and provide details of where you must return the Goods and other relevant instructions. You must then return the Goods to us without delay and at the latest within 14 days of notifying us of your cancellation. You must return the Goods at your own risk, we will cove the cost of any return.

If the Goods are part of a promotional offer, you will be expected the return the relevant Goods back to us for a full refund within 14 days. If you wish to return an item from a buy one get one free offer, you must return both items to receive a refund. If one item is returned, you will not receive any funds in return as the offer will no longer be valid. Items bought on BOGOF offers may be returned for an exchange of another item included in the offer.


Complaints If you have a comment, concern or complaint about any Goods you have purchased from us, please contact us by telephone on telephone number +44 (0)7368918757, by email at or by post Cleo's Tack Shack, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 8DH.

Liability and indemnity We have a duty to supply Goods to you that conform to the Contract including a duty to ensure that the Goods are as described in the contract 13.1.2.the Goods correspond to any samples we have sent you. The Goods are fit for any purpose you specifically told us they were required for, and are not faulty. We cannot exclude our liability for a failure to comply with these duties mentioned in this sub-clause. Nothing in these Conditions affects your legal rights if these duties are not complied with. You can obtain advice about your legal rights from Citizens Advice if you need to. We cannot exclude or limit our responsibility to you for: Death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our employees. Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. A claim for a defective product against us if we do not give you the name of the person who supplied the product to us within a reasonable time of your request for us to do so. We are responsible for foreseeable loss or damage which you suffer as a result of a breach by us of the Contract or as a result of our failure to act with reasonable care and skill. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process. We are not responsible for unforeseeable losses. You are purchasing the Goods as a consumer. If you purchase the Goods for any business purpose including for re-sale, we will not be liable for any business losses, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of business opportunities, loss of management time, loss of business data or losses due to interruption of your business. We will not be responsible for any delay in delivering the Goods if .we have asked you to provide specified information that is necessary for delivering the Goods and have failed to provide complete and accurate information or you have provided such information later than the date we have asked you to supply it by. We will not accept liability for any damage caused by pre-existing defects in any fittings, walls, pipes, wiring, gas installations in your premises or to any goods to which we connect or install or attach the Goods unless we have been negligent in not realising that such damage may occur or in the way we did the work.

Our rights of termination We reserve the right to terminate the Contract by writing to you if you fail to make any payment to us when due and you still do not make payment within 14 days of us reminding you that payment is due.

15.Events outside our control 15.1.Except for our obligations under this clause, we shall not be responsible for delays or failures in delivery or performance of our obligations to you resulting from any act, event, omission, failure or accident outside our reasonable control ('Event Outside Our Control'). We will take all reasonable steps to minimise a delay in performing our obligations to you which arises from an Event Outside our Control. 15.3.We will promptly notify you of any Event Outside Our Control which prevents us from or delays us in performing our obligations to you, giving details of it and (where possible) the extent and likely duration of any delay. Our performance will be deemed to be suspended for the period that the Event Outside Our Control continues. You may end the Contract after we have notified you of an Event Outside Our Control and we will then refund you any money you have paid to us under the Contract for the Goods which we have been unable to deliver to you.


Third party rights Except for our affiliates, directors, employees or representatives, a person who is not a party to the Contract has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the Contract but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apart from that Act.

Other important terms 18.1.We reserve the right to change the domain address of this Website and any services, products, product prices, product specifications and availability at any time. 18.2.Every effort is made to keep information regarding stock availability on the Website up to date. However, we do not guarantee that this is the case, or that stock will always be available. 18.3.If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of the Contract and the remainder of the provision in question will not be affected. 18.4.All Contracts are concluded in English only. 18.5.If we fail, at any time during the term of a Contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under it or any of these terms and conditions, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled under the Contract, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with your obligations. 18.6.A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default.

19.Governing law and jurisdiction These Conditions and the Contract are governed by the laws of England and Wales and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Goods in the courts of England and Wales. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Goods in either the courts of Scotland or England and Wales. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Goods in either the courts of Northern Ireland or England and Wales. If you live in another country in the EU, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Goods in either the courts of your home country or England and Wale

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